My Geeky Girlfriend (2009)

“…but I’m a fujoshi” Okay dudes, I feel like we’ve all had that one friend who was super into pop-culture or more specifically a subculture niche, right? Maybe they were real big on collecting trading cards or really big movie buffs? As I run through the story of Fujoshi Kanojo in my head, I was…

More Than Blue (2009)

“My wish is for you to grow up and marry a great guy.” words: Desmond Childs What are the things in life you most treasure, but for whatever reason, are unobtainable? Now what are some of the things that are keeping you from being able to pursue those treasures? It’s probably safe to say mostĀ of…

Haeundae (2009)

Show Outline Review: Haeundae (Tidal Wave in UK) (2009) Billed at the time, as South Korea’s first disaster flick. It was fun.

Screened Vision[s] Reviews south Korean film; Haeundae

Listen to internet radio with OtaKast Network on Blog Talk Radio Show Outline Length: 22 min 50 sec Review: Haeundae (Tidal Wave in UK) (2009) Billed at the time, as South Korea’s first disaster flick. It was fun.