Wicked City (1987)

2013 Monster Movie Marathon- Movie #3 Words: Desmond “Neo” Childs “They say they give great pleasure, but cannot give birth to children…” The human world and demon world have this truce, see? The pact of peace keeps the humans and demons from warring against each other. So naturally there are those who oppose the re-signing…


The second movie in my Monster Movie Marathon is more of a thriller than a horror film. Regardless, it does a good job of freaking me out, all the same. Directed by the late, great Satoshi Kon: Perfect Blue is equal parts suspense, intrigue, and paranoia. Have you ever had that feeling? The one that makes…

FULLTIME Killer (2001)

“What’s the matter? Don’t want to be a Killer’s Woman?” Words: Desmond Childs There was a time when finding a job was much easier. You’d pickup a couple of newspapers and read the ads. No? Still having trouble finding work? How about if you match every third word on one newspaper ad with every fifth…

More Than Blue (2009)

“My wish is for you to grow up and marry a great guy.” words: Desmond Childs What are the things in life you most treasure, but for whatever reason, are unobtainable? Now what are some of the things that are keeping you from being able to pursue those treasures? It’s probably safe to say most of…